Greek IX traffic slashed down to 30% – torrents closed

December 21, 2009

in Greece, Services

greek Piracy closed Greek IX traffic slashed down to 30%   torrents closed

Last week EPOE, a copyright protection authority pressed charges against the administrators of a Greek owned torrent site ( After the police arrested one of the owners most of the torrent sites with Greek owners, voluntarily, shutdown (temporarily as it is rumored in the underground scene) resulting in an almost 70% slash to the average GR IX traffic. See below:

grix aix total week1 Greek IX traffic slashed down to 30%   torrents closed

Fore the rest of the statistics visit

This is the first time that a torrent site administrator is arrested in the country. A funny background of the story is that this guy was arrested because he was boasting on his facebook account of actually being the owner of the site… (which I think proves the high level of amateurism in the scene). If you speak Greek visit this link or read the google translated version.

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  • Today is another Greek Torrent Down day..., and many more Greek war3z & Torrents sites is "down" for forther info look here
  • Students' DSL lines exchange traffic with ISPs so they also "pass through" GRIX/AIX.

    Some facts:
    a) The fall is very significant during the previous weekend which is the one that many many students return to their base (subscriber count for students' dsl is already down by 20%).
    b) There has been some kind of "raid" to greek torrent site(s).
    c) Students are always the major downloaders.

    Some related graphs:
    i) Students DSL traffic:
    ii) Students DSL subscriber count:

    So it's a mix of things going on. Regarding the tracker(s) that closed, I can't believe that it was _them_ creating so much traffic, but greek users got scared in general, mainly due to the way the issue was brought in public by the media, and users stopped leaching/seeding to any trackers.

  • saperduper :
    completely wrong assumption.Students leave their towns so they stop using their dsl, it's xmas remember? that happens every year

    He seems to be right, 30% is too much for a couple of torrent sites.
  • Thanx saperdurper for this note.

    This is actually the GRIX/AIX, not the GRNET (i.e. academic network). GRIX/AIX is the internet traffic exchanger for all Greek telecom operators and these data depict the total traffic of the GRIX/AIX, so practically it is the traffic exchanged between Greek internet users (which seems to be primarily p2p).

    U can also check the yearly stats in and see for yourself that this gap is out of scale and clearly not within any normal holiday user behaviour (for instance check the statistics during summertime).

    For the record, I was also very skeptical about it, yet after a bit of research I conculded to that.
  • minotavrs
    I salute you

    Keep up the good work high ;)
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